
30 Apr 2008

This is what is happening.....

I called the accountant this morning to see if our income taxes were done and he said he still needed more information......which I have.....

Now, why couldn't he have called and asked me.....then I wouldn't have to run around on the LAST day, like a chicken with my head cut off.....ugh!

So I ran the stuff in to his office and he called tonight......we still have to pay.....yuck! I guess that is one of the drawback of farming.

Nothing comes off of your payslip, well because, you don't GET a payslip! You only get paid when you sell our crop, which is in the fall.

Now we are fortunate, since our eggs are picked up out of the cooler every week, so we DO get paid every week - but still, no tax is deducted off of it.

We could make installments, but be damned if I am giving the government any money until I absolutely have to!!

Thank goodness for internet banking.....I can pay tonight at 11:59 pm.....HAH! I'll show them.....

Anyway, hubby has had the camera down at the barn all day taking pictures of his airplane which he is selling {sob!}, so I can't post my picture of the 3-step hydrangea from Kitchen Sink Stamps.

Hopefully he brings it up tonight and I can post in the morning.....

In the meantime, I am going to watch America's Next Top Model and then American Idol (please Brooke, I think it is time - go home already....) haha!

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